
Charming cabin in magnificent scenery

Fishing Location Accomodation Price & booking Technical review

Åbjørneset ksummary

  • Fishing license for larger areas
  • Charming logged cabin for up to 4 people
  • Åbjørdalen valley – A magnificent nature experience


Trout and arctic char

The Åbjøra lake lies next to the cabin. There has been caught innland trout up to 4 kg, but more common size is 300-500 grams. In 2001 a salmon ladder was built, and good populations of wild salmon and sea trout are now beeing established in the lake. Boat with outboard engine in the Åbjøra lake is included. In the autumn you will normally find an abundance of mushrooms and berries (blueberries, mountain cranberries, cloudberries) that you are free to collect.

In the mountains around the Åbjøra lake lies several smaller lakes. Our guests have Fishing rights in all of these. In addition, they have fishing rights in a group of small lakes called Nilsfinntjønnin (difficult to pronounce even for a Norwegian). These lakes are at a high altitude, and a good walk from the cabin, so we recommend bringing sleeping bags and some equipment for outdoor camping.

Our guests can also fish in the numerous lakes at Glømmen and Urvold.

PS! The guests at the neighbouring cabin “Åbjørstua” have exclusive fishing right to the river Åbjøra.

Salmon and sea trout

Fishing licence for approximately 6 kilometres of the Åelva river can be bought for NOK200 a day or NOK1000 for one week per person. It’s about 3 kilometres from the parking at lake Åbjørvatn down to the upper part of the beat. The salmon and sea trout populations of the Åelva river is one of the best in the region, and this 6km beat holds some of the best fishing spots in the river. The river is ideal for single hand fly fishing and light spin fishing. Some anglers prefer a two-hand fly rod on higher water levels. The fish ladder built in Åelva river in 2000 makes both lake Åbjørvatn and river Åbjøra available to salmon/sea trout, although all salmon/sea trout caught in the lake or Åbjøra river should be released.

A stay at Åbjørneset also includes fishing licence in the Terråk river which lies a 40min drive from the parking at lake Åbjørvatn. The Terråk river runs right through the town of Terråk and is easily accessed from the road or trail. The river holds both large salmon and sea trout. We recommend trying the Terråk river in combination with a trip to the local grocery market.

Fiskeregler Åbjøravassdraget

  • Åbjøra og i garnforbudssoner i Åbjørvatn: 1.6.-14.9.
  • Åbjørvatnet utenfor garnforbudssoner: 1.1.-31.12.
Kvoter (sesong per fisker)
  • Ørret: I elven Åbjøra skal all ørret over 30cm settes tilbake. Fritt uttak av fisk under 30cm.
  • Sjøørret og laks er fredet i Åbjørvatn og Åbjøra m/sideelver.
Det er ikke tillatt med markfiske i Åelva eller Åbjøra. I Åbjøra er det kun tillatt å fiske med flue hvor fluesnøret utgjør kastevekten. Kroker skal være mothakeløse, eller med nedklemt mothake, og kun tillatt med maksimalt 2 kroker på fiskesnøret.I Åbjørvatnet (utenfor garnforbudssonene) er det tillatt å fiske med mark, sluk, spinner flue etc.Ved fiske i Åbjøra skal målebånd og knuteløs håv medbringes. Garnfiske i Åbjørvatn og utvalgte fjellvann kan tillates etter særlig avtale med Plahtes Eiendommer.
Gjester ved Åbjørstua har enerett på fisket i Åbjøra fra garnforbudssonen ved utløpet av Åbjøra og opp til Trongen. Gjester ved Kalvkru har enerett i Kalvkruvatn og ned til Trongen.
Fiskeregler for øvrige vassdrag på Plahtes Eiendommer


Åbjørneset lies in beautiful surroundings on the headland between the Åbjøra lake and the Åbjøra river. The area is full of rocky mountains, mountain lakes, and a diverse nature.

When standing outside the cabin or looking out the widows, you are in a forest, but with openings towards the lake and the riverbank located 30 meters from the cabin. During summer/Autumn, you can pick blueberries, mountain cranberries and chantarelles.

Getting to the cabin is quite simple. Park your car and cross the lake in a boat with outboard engine. Upon arrival, you are in pristine wilderness, far from any neighbouring cabin.


Read more about the history of Åbjøra



Logged cabin about 25 m2, separate shed for wood and outhouse. Sleeping possibility for up to 4 persons. A bunk bed and a sofa which extends to a double bed.


Simple standard, small kitchen table, coffee table and a sofa. Down quilts and pillows for 2 persons in the cabin.

Kitchen utensils

Plenty of cutlery, plates, pots and pans for 4 persons.

Technical equipment

No running water, good drinking water about 30 metres from the cabin. Kerosine lamps in the cabin. Propane burner withh 3 jets and a propane fridge on 103 litres, a small freezer included.


A Hansvik 14,5”standard with a 5 Hp outboard engine in Åbjørvatnet.

Floating equipment

4 life jackets for 70-90 kg lie in the boat-house by the car parking. Other sizes on request.


About 400 metres up the river at the inner part of Åbjørvatn. About 30 metres from the riverbank to the cabin.


By car to Åbjørvatn and by boat about 5 km across Åbjørvatn and up the river.

Map refrence

M711- series: nr. 1824 I og IV and 1825 II og III.


Arrival: Our guests are welcomed at Terråk and given informationnabout the place and the possibilities in the area. The guests can be accompanied to the cabin on request.

Guiding etc.

Fishing/hunting guide and hiking guides can be organized on request.

Net coverage

There is no net coverage around the cabin.


Total price per week (price is valid for up to 4 persons).
23/05 - 09/09 KR. 7000,-

Equals approx. NOK 250 per person per day if you are 4 guests.


Cabin, fishing rights, boat with outboard engine, fuel, firewood, propane etc. Price is valid for up to 4 persons.

Fishing license for salmon/sea trout fishing in river Åelva can be arranged for NOK 200 a day or NOK 1000 a week.


Check availability and book online here. Got any questions? Send us a message.

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Technical review

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